Monday, December 29, 2014

Mini Update!

Since my last post, my personal turmoils have only worsened, and things have finally hit rock bottom, but, as life may have it, where one door closed, another opened, and as I am finally gaining the strength to move on, things are slowly starting to look up again.

So as those who have read my previous post from Christmas know, there were major...disturbances, you could say, in my close friendship with my once-best work buddy (emphasis on once). I thought things would only get better by humbling myself and trying to prove that I was willing to change my overly emotional ways. But, the wolf in sheep's clothing got his way. Like a lamb to the slaughter, I suppose, she follows. All figurative lingo aside, she let my one mistake ruin the great friendship we had, and now, without even blinking an eye, she quickly moved on to the next one, leaving our memories in the dust. Meanwhile, I'm still struggling to get over it all and move on with my life, and so far, it has payed off. I occupy myself with my pastimes, music, food, etc. To make things better, an old friend of mine--my former neighbor who is like a brother to me--has spent a few days over at our place, and long story short, let's just say I might just have a new coworker in the future. All in all, this was just another one of life's speed bumps--and I am ready to pick up speed once more.

Just a little update, no big news today. I will be back up and running by New Years, so keep an eye open for that. Take care all and let's look forward to them NY parties!

Thursday, December 25, 2014

Silent Night, Not-So-Holy Night

Before I delve into my convo, I wanna wish you all a very Merry Christmas! Hope you are all recovering from last night, enjoying your presents, and still stuffing that grub! Time to prepare for the New Years hangovers now, eh? Now let's get this thing started...

I'm gonna start things off on a bit of a personal note and say that for the past few days I've been going through a very rough time in my life--something every teenager has to go through at least once or twice in their lifetime. This work buddy I've mentioned to you guys in the past, some of you who have me on Facebook have seen the pictures of the great times we've had...let's just say that things are not going as hunky dory as I'd like them to. In a nutshell, my jealousy and uncontrollable emotion have all but driven her away from me, we haven't spoken in days and we probably won't until the weekend, and I haven't been myself since everything went downhill. I don't mean to sound like a drama queen or anything, but I've been really beating myself up lately and I fear for what may happen between us in the future. Don't you just hate when you get too attached to people, then you have to deal with possibly never having any sort of connection with them ever again--even when you work in the same place or go to the same school? Especially after so many great memories that it really seems like you were on the verge of sharing something special with them in the future?? It's like ripping out a band-aid...glued down with super glue...then held down with duct tape...and topped off with nails. Try pulling that baby off, right? But like the saying goes: "People who create their own drama, deserve their own karma." I've started a whole mess of unnecessary drama, and now I have to deal with my karma. All because of that little green devil we all know as jealousy. Just part of life and growing up. Learn from your mistakes, accept the pain, embrace it, move on, and keep living your life. Just sucks that all this had to go down on Christmas break...

Moving on, I hope you are all enjoying your Christmas break, hope you got some great presents and stuffed your faces with more food than you can handle--I know I sure as hell did! This Christmas was rather different from my previous celebrations. Instead of being huddled around with a bunch of people--which is amazing, don't get me wrong--I spent this silent night with my mother at our place. Just us two, watching television, snapping photos, eating all the tamales we can stomach in one night. Present-wise, I did some shopping on the 23rd with my best friends ever at the Irvine Spectrum, and boy was it a hell of a fun night. Granted, I was still freshly-depressed (yes I said "depressed" even though I hate that word) over what's going on, but I did my best to bear through it and make the best out of my night with my true friends, and for the most part I was able to overcome it--even more so when my friends graced me with their ever-helpful advice over how to deal with all this and what to do/say when the time comes. So to my two besties, if you are reading this, God bless your souls, I am one blessed guy to have people like you in my life! Anyway, my bank account really did take quite a punch that night, but that's why I work, right?? That night at the Spectrum scored me a sexy, flaming hot sticker for my phone, two new bracelets, a charming necklace for one of my besties, a super-cool, hot-red, checkered flannel for my other bestie, some clothes for my dear mother, among others. I even got her, yes her, a little something-something as well, just as a decency, I mean it is Christmas.

On another note (sorry if I'm flying all over the place, I just have so much to say!), as you probably may know, Sony finally grew a pair and decided to release The Interview after all. Not only did they agree to screen it in theaters on Christmas Day as originally promised, but they treated us to an early present and streamed the film on every service you can imagine just last night on X-Mas Eve. I decided to take advantage of the opportunity and watch the flick myself (up yours, Kim Jong-"Umph"!), and I gotta say...I was not disappointed, but I was not blown away either. It was a good movie, but it was really nothing to get so worked up about. Rogen and Franco gave it their best as always, and there were a few laughs here and there, sprinkled with a few tense moments that have you close to the edge of your seat, but in all honesty, the film was just another cliched predictable, linear story-telling attempt at making something distinguishable for the ages. That, combined with an amazing cast, great cameos, good use of practical effects, and a somewhat decent storyline all add up to my personal rating of a solid 7.5/10.

Overall, my winter break so far is...meh. It's not off to a great start, I will admit, but hey, it's Christmas time! "The season of perpetual hope!" right? With all the drama lama aside, I'm having a great time with my friends and my family, the people who will never leave my side no matter what. That right there is all I need to hold my spirits up in this difficult time for me. Now I know, my teenage problems don't compare to other, more serious issues, like the recent murder of, surprise surprise, another black man at the hands of, you're not gonna believe this, the police! BUT...I must admit, I'm on the popo's side on this one. In case you don't know what I'm talking about and you're like:

Here, check out the details on this here article. A black man brandished a gun against some cops near Ferguson, and the coppers naturally defended themselves and shot the man dead. This is justified, I must say. What, you're just gonna let some guy point a firearm at you and not do anything? In this case, the copper's life was in danger, and he was in his full right to shoot the guy (which is extremely rare these days). Now, the people have gone too far and are protesting against this act of defense, which really stirs me up inside, because it shows that they just don't give a crap anymore. They don't care if the popo pulls the trigger out of self-defense or just because it's their nature, they just wanna protest! Yes I know guys, these people (the popo) are natural-born killers (the majority of them, at least, not all of them) and they know nothing more than how to fire a gun at other human beings, but in this case, they were the ones being assaulted, and only in this case must I defend these creatures, much to my dismay. How much ya'll wanna bet that this broken "justice" system is gonna rule against the coppers and convict them of homicide, even though the video evidence speaks for itself. I guarantee it. What a Christmas present that will be, huh? 

So that's the end of my rather bleak post, peeps. I know, 'tis the season to be jolly. But honestly, this hasn't exactly been the jolliest season I've ever had, ju follow? I know these problems I'm having will shortly come to pass, whether it all turns out okay or it all goes to absolute crap. All that aside, I hope you all have a wonderful holiday season, and let's all look forward to those New Years parties! Have a good one everyone, stay up to date, and stay safe out there. :) 

I close this post with an all-time favorite of mine by the Pixies. Enjoy.

Sunday, December 21, 2014

Poetic Justice or Shameless Murder??

First of all, let it be known I do not condone the cold-blooded murder of anyone, whether it be a black male or a white male...or even a policeman, just like in the event that I will discuss today. I know there is a LOT of controversy over this, so I will try to embrace both sides for argument's sake. Without further ado, here's today's topic.

So just a few days before Christmas Eve, two NYPD cops were shot and killed in an ambush by an assailant who then took his own life after committing the deed. No gunfight. No provocation. No warning. No nothing. Just the sound of a gun setting off and just like that, two police officers were dead with a bullet in their heads. The NYPD was of course devastated by the despicable murder of two of their comrades. Now three bodies lie in the morgue with no real sense of justice for the people of the Big Apple. Then along came the controversy...

One side of this is that the cops got what they deserved, that two cops is nothing compared to the hundreds of innocents they must kill every year. These people were obviously still referring to the recent murders of Eric Garner, Tamir Rice, and Michael Brown, among others. On the other side are those who don't see these murders as justification for the assassination of the two innocent cops.

You want my honest opinion? I am not sure what to feel, in all honesty. Yes, this was a cold-blooded murder no matter how you look at it. These two coppers were probably having just another normal day, munching some donuts, maybe planning some holiday shopping and popping, and out of nowhere some deranged lowlife pops a bullet in their heads and then turns his gun against himself. Murder. Plain and simple.

On the other hand, I will say that what goes around comes around, and it was only a matter of time before someone decided to give the coppers a taste of their own medicine. These cops feel no remorse (even if they say they do) when they're choking the life out of black "criminals," and now they expect the country's sympathy when two of their own are taken from them? Sorry fellas, but that's not how America functions. If you push a dog into a corner, she gon' bite. And you, the police, have already pushed the country far beyond its limits, and you couldn't possibly have expected your unpunished actions to remain that way. But still, these two particular cops have done no wrong, at least as far as anyone knows, so they didn't deserve to pay for the mistakes of their majority. I would be more comfortable justifying this action IF it was either Officer Pantaleo (Garner) or Darren Wilson (Brown), as they are the ones who should be punished for their deeds. Nobody deserves to die, but everyone who does wrong deserves to be reprimanded.

One question still remains in my mind: How is it that the two coppers who had a reason to shoot Rice after the boy brandished a gun against them are convicted of homicide, yet the other two cops (Wilson and Pantaleo) were set free despite the mounds of evidence against them? Just another reason why this broken "justice" system needs MAJOR fixing.

End of post. Stay up to date peeps and have a safe holiday, and thanks for reading.

Saturday, December 20, 2014

GG, Sony.

So as you all know, Sony, in all its cowardice, obliged to hacker demands this past week concerning The Interview, making North Korea, an underdeveloped, egocentric, weak country, look like the most dangerous force to be reckoned with in the world. That was shameless enough, but the embarrassment doesn't end there. Now, the people over at Sony have caved in to even more of the hacker group "Guardians of Peace" 's demands. Way to make 'Murica look like a pathetic pushover that's more bark than bite, guys. Nice going.


Take a look at this short article by TMZ which sums up the whole fiasco. Apparently the hacker group was so satisfied with their victory, they decided to stroke their ego even further by demanding that Sony take down any and all content related to The Interview from their social media pages. And guess what? Without even blinking an eye, Sony obeyed its master like a bitch obeys her owner (female dog, that is). Sad. Just sad. Is this the new standard for 'Murica now? To give in to every whim posed by any outside threat? Even one as insignificant as North Korea or a couple of basement dwellers looking to get a good laugh by making shit up like this? What ever happened to the 'Murica that would never back down? C'mon! This country excels at bullying and picking on other countries and other peoples that did absolutely nothing to us (*cough* Iraq *cough cough*), why doesn't it make a stand now against a few hackers working for a country that still uses FLOPPY DISKS? Or was it all just a way to make yourself feel stronger by picking on the weak? Is this hack exposing more than just weaknesses within the cinema industry? Perhaps the U.S. of A. has finally met its match--a nuisance, mind you--and now that it could put its unnecessarily expansive military power to good use, it doesn't. Let me guess, you'd still rather go after illegal immigrants and other "criminals" looking to make a good life for themselves here, right? On the plus side, it's about time hack-tivism finally pays off and sheds light on what we're truly dealing with right here at home. I mean, think about it. Why would Sony give in to G.o.P. without a single objection unless they were hiding something else? What other dirty little secrets are they hiding behind their closed doors?

Now, I'm not gonna entirely blast this country for its shameful cowardice. I do understand that there is a logical side to all of this. True, North Korea is full of it and they could never accomplish anything they threat even if they tried. But would you be willing to take that risk? Would you give the green light on screening the film amid all the incoming threats and have them turn out to be true? How would you deal with the thousands upon thousands of deaths on your conscience? Exactly. It's pretty clear that the "better safe than sorry" rule still applies even in this scenario; but like everybody knows, it's North Korea. They're not to be taken seriously. Kim's ego is so inflated that he would actually pull of something like this to make himself feel like #1 evil villain in the world. And you know what? By giving in to the hackers' demands, the U.S. might as well say, "Ohh yes, all hail Kim Jong-Un" or however the hell you spell it.

So what does this mean for the future of cinema and the freedom of speech? Are we now to suppress any and all free will just because a tiny piece of land is threatening us? Imagine what it will be like for future journalists (ahem, me) who want to give their full, unrestricted insight into current events in the world and not be able to because North Korea said so. Am I now supposed to give up my dream and stay at McDonald's for the rest of my life? NO. Hell to the no! Stand up, 'Murica! Prove that you are the biiig baaad police force of the world and put down these hackers and send a message to those North Koreans that you will not take any more of their crap. What about movie directors and actors? Are they also supposed to give up their lifelong aspirations for creativity and free expression? Because that's what the U.S. is saying by obliging to these demands. "Screw you all, I want to live, but have no purpose in life anymore because North Korea took it away." Jesus Christ people. I find it hard to believe that this country could so easily make war with other countries, pick on hard working people, and play police of the world, but not put down a group of lowlives.

Of course, all this hysteria could be just another result of the media's inflation of everything (remember the Ebola outbreak that spread across the U.S. like wildfire and killed thousands and thousands of people? Yeah, me neither). I'm sure that out of the realm of possibility, this is just another episode of gullibility to scare the weak-minded sheep that'll shortly come to pass. But on the other hand, you know it's serious when these cave-ins are continuous and there is proof that the threats actually work on us. Just saying.

There's my update peeps. If you made it to the end, thanks a bunch for reading and stay up to date! I'm sure there's a bunch out there thinking "tl;dr" and I understand you. Once I gain momentum when I'm writing, ain't no stopping me. Anyway, don't let them N.K.'s scare you guys. We all know they're full of it and are only stroking their inflated ego. Stay safe out there and until the next post :)

I close this post with a fairly old favorite of mine by Modest Mouse. Enjoy

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Are We N. Korea's B*tch Now??

Hello peeps, thanks for taking time out of your day to read this wacky update. Hopefully ya'll have been keeping up with my posts this past week. If not, take a moment to catch up. This news is actually quite interesting to me, so without further ado, let's dig right in.

So a while back, Sony was hacked by a group called "Guardians of Peace." Call it what you will, but I think this was a blessing in disguise, as it exposed all the shady happenings going on behind Sony's closed doors, and we definitely need more major exposures of this nature (yay for hack-tivisim!). If you wanna read more about that check this and this. This post is not about the hack itself, nor the shameless, scandalous methods of censorship Sony used against the journalists who tried to cover the hack and the secrets exposed.

As many of you probably have heard of already, Seth Rogen and James Franco's latest masterpiece, The Interviewwas canceled from screening on Christmas day, due to rising threats from the hacker group, who threatened a 9/11-style attack on all theaters who showed the film. I guess the big bully succumbed to the short bully in the playground, eh? Anyway, the film was pulled and the hackers got what they wanted, so what? Well, as it turns out, there are now claims that North Korea could be responsible for "Guardians of Peace" and the Sony attack. I wouldn't be surprised if it was N.K, I mean it's pretty obvious. If this group is concentrating all their anger on The Interview alone, then it should be pretty clear that this is not your typical band of kids like the recently-unmasked "Lizard Squad."

So, what could this mean for the future of movie-goers and the U.S. itself? Are we now forced to not go to enjoy a movie or make a funny movie because of fear of retaliation from the little guy? Are we now North Korea's plaything to be pushed around and played with? Maybe. Maybe not. Keep in mind North Korea is all bark no bite. I'm sure they pulled this stunt off just to scare us, but it's always best to be safe right? Better to succumb to the little guys than to underestimate them and have millions of deaths on our hands (not that it should be anything new, I mean the pilgrims did just that with the original inhabitants of this land, but I'll skip the history lesson).

 The way I see it, the U.S. government should get off its ass and do something to take down this group of hackers. Either way, its in their best interest so that their dirty secrets stay in the dark, right? I mean, if they are cunning enough to spy on their own people and whatever other "life-saving" thing they're good at, why not protect the people correctly and go after the bad guys for once? Yes I know its North Korea, they're not to be taken seriously, but like I said before, right now the short bully has control of the bigger bully, and unless the big bully throws a punch, that short bully will go for the crotch kick. That's how I see it.

And there's my little update peeps. Thanks again for keeping up with me, thanks for reading, and don't forget to share with your friends if you found this interesting/entertaining. I'm trying my best to keep my blog updated while still being focused on school and work, especially this week. As always, stay up to date, stay safe, and watch yourselves out there. It's only a matter of time before a real-life Red Dawn could potentially happen. Have a good one :)

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Don't Tase Me, Bro!

Oh boy, oh boy, here we go again. Hello peeps, thanks for taking time out of your day to read this. If you've been keeping up with my blog this past week, you'll know that I was absent for quite a long time because of other engagements--work, school, my work buddy's birthday, etc. If you haven't, well now you know. So again, forgive my inconsistency. This week is gonna be a hell of a crazy one, what with the pre-break tests, last-minute assignments, and so on, so I might not post as much as I normally do, at least not until the break starts. But anyway, here's the here-and-now topic for today, something which I'm sure isn't much news to most of you, considering it's all but normal now. Without further ado, here's today's discussion. Note: I will do my best to remain civil, no matter how upset I get, so as not to come off as a whiny little girl.

Take a look at this article/video by The Slatest. It's a dash-cam video of a police officer (heere we go...) slamming a 76-year-old man, named Pete Vasquez, against the hood of the patrol car. Okay, so that's routine, right? Slam some people, pretend like nothing happened. Oh but it doesn't end there. The copper, Nathaniel Robinson, decided it wasn't fun enough to simply smash the defenseless old man against his car, he brazenly chooses to thrust Vasquez onto the ground and taze him not once, but twice. Even as Vasquez weakly attempted to pick himself up, Mr. Robinson decides Oh well, this old bag can't get up fast enough, better give him a little push and tazes him again simply because he wouldn't get up quickly enough. Thankfully, Vasquez was okay. He was driven--handcuffed--to a medical center, where, even after his traumatic ordeal, he was placed under police custody and later released with no citation. Robinson, meanwhile, is on administrative leave while his posse conduct an investigation and figure out a way to make him look like the hero (not that there's much to be figured out, I mean, the court will probably pardon him anyway).

Okay...let me take a deep breath before I run my mouth--technically my keyboard--on this situation. So, a copper decides to take matters into his own hands again and blow up on a helpless individual. That's pretty much the new business maneuver these days, right? We see it everywhere, so this shouldn't be news to us anymore. However, what I do take issue with is the fact that Robinson had to taze Vasquez not once, but twice. As if one shot of jolts throughout your entire body wasn't more than enough. I will say this, however: I am in awe that this cop reached for the other holster. Hell, I didn't think cops these days knew where else to reach other than for their pistol. But even Vasquez knew this was more than just business. According to him, Robinson seemed to enjoy his actions, and judging by the video, I can't say that Vasquez is wrong. Look closely, the copper does seem to be letting himself go and going crazy on poor Vasquez even as he was lying on the ground. At least, that's how I see it. I know there are others who watch the video and are thinking No, he was just doing his job. Okay, fair enough, but that doesn't justify why he had to brutally smash the daylights out of Vasquez.

So what did Vasquez do to tick off the popo? Apparently there was some issue with his license plate, the inspection sticker, or something of the sort, and when Robinson attempted to apprehend Vasquez, the latter resisted--by taking his hand out of the cop's grasp. Did he push the officer? Did he curse and spit in his face and tell him to buzz off? Did he use any form of violence or force? None of the above. All he did was pull his arm away from the cop who had no reason to grab onto the arm in the first place. Apparently that was reason enough to justify Robinson's rage. I would say that Vasquez shouldn't have resisted at all, but if you didn't do any harm to anybody, and some copper thinks he is above the law (which they are) and grabs your arm just because, wouldn't you pull it away?

I've said it plenty of times and I'll say it again, even if I'm talking in circles. This new regime of cops misusing their power is not gonna slow down anytime soon. Quite the opposite, actually. It'll get worse and worse, up to the point where our lives our basically run by these people. Okay, so maybe not to that extent, but you get my point. Yes, I know that there are "good" cops out there, I mean I've seen a few stories here and there about a lone wolf cop doing something honorable for once. But you can't deny that good cops are so few and far between that there's hardly enough left to say that most cops are good. Again, this is all how I view it. I know there are more than a few optimistic souls out there that still (somehow) have hope for humanity. I respect your view. If the world was full of pessimistic realists, then we would've gotten nowhere at all. We would be way worse than we are now. Who knows, maybe there is some good change on the horizon, but not soon.

Anyway, there's my update peeps. Thanks for reading, stay up to date, share, and stay safe out there. Have a good one :)

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Nothing Turned Out as I Planned...It Turned Out Better

So yesterday, Dec. 13, was my work buddy's 17th birthday, and I gotta say, everything turned out the way I had not planned it, yet it went so perfectly nonetheless. Let me take a few steps back and lay it out for ya'll to understand.

A week before her big day, I went out and bought her gift ahead of time--a Frozen poster and birthday card (she's Frozen's #1 fan by the way!). I decided to put them aside to fix up later, as I had other things to care of. The day before her birthday, Dec. 12, I finally got around to putting the poster and card together, and that's when things (apparently) started going downhill. The card was fixed up nicely, I wrote some heartfelt words in it, and it turned out well, but the poster...oh lord the poster. It turned out the pieces of the framing I bought were not enough to put it together, and the Wal-Mart I bought the things from was out of stock on them (so thanks a lot, Wal-Mart!). I had to fix it ASAP, but I had work that night and there was nothing I could do until the next morning.

Come morning, the day of the birthday, I get up early to do a little last-minute shopping, and after about 2 hours of walking all over the place, I finally obtained an even better gift than the poster. It turned out that out of all the Frozen merch she had, my friend was missing one thing she desperately wanted: a life-size Olaf plush. And guess what was it that I bought? Exactly that. And a small bouquet of flowers to go nicely with the card.

So come 4:40 pm, almost time for me to head to work. I make my way to McDonald's, where she was already almost an hour into her shift. Long story short, I got a little help, you could say, from one of the managers there, who also happens to be a mutual friend of ours. With her help, I was able to surprise my work buddy with one of the best birthday surprises she could ever receive. We did the usual Happy Birthday song charade, yada yada yada, but that wasn't the highlight of her night (and mine). Here comes the best part that I still can't get over.

Turns out she didn't notice I was there when we were all singing to her. For all she knew, the crew had barely caught on that it was her big day and were simply showing an act of kindness. She had no idea that I planned the whole thing out for her, and when she finally scanned the faces around her and turned her gaze to me holding her much-wanted Olaf and the flowers, good God almighty, the look on her face was one of the most priceless reactions I had ever witnessed. Her expression brought so much warmth into my heart (yes it's cheesy I know); I had never seen someone light up as brightly as she did when she saw her big surprise. I cannot even put into words what a delightful feeling it was for both of us. I'm sure you can tell it was a pretty amazing 10 minutes. :) Yes it only lasted a few minutes, I mean we both had to get back to work shortly after!

Isn't that the best? When something turns out the way you didn't expect to, yet it's still great? It just goes to show that the best things in life come when you least expect them. Moments like these are why I still push on through life, no matter how stressful and difficult things can get. Sure, I can just throw in the towel and call it quits on school and work, but in the end, no matter how many mental breakdowns I have almost every day, my friends and my loved ones are the ones that are always waiting for me at the end of the road to push me forward and keep me going.

I'm sure this is what a lot of you right now are going through, especially around the holidays. You got school, work, your social life, and now the stress of holiday shopping and finishing up any unfinished business before the upcoming break, right? Take my advice: don't sweat it. Take it easy. Yes it's easier to just slack off and say "F**k this Sh*t %#@()(*&%!," but think of all the potential happiness you risk losing if you decide to just give up. Push on, and I can guarantee better times wait for you.

So there's my update peeps, thanks for putting up with my inconsistency. I know I tend to take several days of absence, but believe me it's not on purpose! If it was up to me I'd sit on my desk chair and write all day, every day. But, first things first, right? Plus, what would I write about if I don't take the time to live my life a little, correct? Anyway, thanks for reading, stay up to date, share, and stay safe out there everyone :)

I close this post with a badass song from a badass band that definitely needs more attention, especially in a world dominated by sex-crazed, tasteless artists. Enjoy.

Thursday, December 11, 2014

It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas...

Hello peeps, thanks for taking time out of your day to read this. I must say three days away from this thing feels like a week to me. I've decided to not write about a specific current event(s) for this post, and I will instead just give you all a bit of insight as to what has been going on in my life lately, good and bad. I will, of course, try not to get too personal, but I will give enough details so as to not be so vague. Without further ado, here's my little life update, enjoy :)

So Tuesday, Dec. 9 was a pretty great day for me--after school was off, of course. This was the day of my work buddy's Christmas choir concert, and boy was it a hell of a time. I attended the 3:30 show, so the place wasn't as packed and fired up as it was for the 7:00 show, but it was still fun. You guys would've LOVED the ending; I sure as hell did. After all choir groups went up and performed their part of the melodic show, every member of the choir surrounded the audience and finished the performance with a mesmerizing holiday carol that had the whole place cheering. If the 3:30 show was this amazing, I can only imagine what the 7:00 show--which was sold out--was like.

But that wasn't the only highlight of my day. After the show ended at around 5, my friend and I decided to go for a bite at the Taco Bell nearby--yes, yes I know it's not the "dream" place to go eat after her show, but it was the nearest place within walking distance! After pushing through the crowd of other hungry choir members, we took our food back to her school, where we found a somewhat solitary spot--close enough to "civilization" in case it got too lonely, but confined enough to give us our much needed privacy for catching up and such. Before you sickos out there start raising your eyebrows, no we did not "do anything" of that sort. We just ate and talked and laughed away and yes we did enjoy the alone time--in a healthy way. I don't want to reveal too much, but let's just say I've made many mistakes in the past that I do NOT want to repeat with this girl. She deserves all the respect in the world and so much more. Anyway, after our bite and chat, we had to depart at around 6:30 so that she could prepare for her next show, and I of course went my separate way back to home. All in all, that was an unforgettable evening for me, and I cherish every moment I get to spend with her, which only makes the wait more worthwhile.

What wait, you ask? Well, for the people who know about her (as they keep asking me questions about her), we're not "official." We have too many other priorities to rush into a relationship (school and work, above all), plus we've only known each other for about three months. But in those three months, I've gotten to know her quite well and we both get along so greatly that we don't want to ruin what we have by taking it a step further, if that makes sense. Long story short, we're not like most couples today, who just hook up one night and go around preaching "It was meant to be." No. We're two of the very, very few people that still take relationships seriously, so we want to wait until at least after high school before we think about giving it a shot or not, which explains as to why I said the wait is worthwhile.

Moving forward to Dec. 10, I finally fulfilled one of my long-time wishes--I dyed my hair red. Oh man, you should've seen the reactions on some of my friends' faces. They never would've imagined I would go up to them one day with brightly-colored hair, and neither have I, but it finally happened. Truth be told, it's still pretty weird to me as well, but I'd by lying if I said I don't dig it. Of course I did get some criticism for choosing that specific color, but hey I'm doing my thing and enjoying it, so those comments mean nothing to me.

On a different subject, I ordered myself a Galaxy Gear 2 Smartwatch, another wish of mine I've been waiting to make a reality. It's so purty, look-it look-it look-it

I've been wanting one of these babies for a long time, and my hard work is finally paying off. Looks like I'm buying my own Christmas gifts this year!

Well, there's my little update peeps, hope you enjoyed reading about what's been going on in my life, but this is only a snippet of it. I could go into other tangents--my constant retaking of AP Stats tests that I never seem to pass, some minor troubles at work, among other obstacles--but seeing as I'm short on time, I'll leave this little piece for you guys. As always, stay up to date, stay safe, and have a great holiday season everyone :)

Everybody loves Arctic Monkeys, right?? Here's a personal favorite of mine, enjoy.

Monday, December 8, 2014

Why Bullying Will Never Stop (And How We Are to Blame)

Hello there peeps, thanks again for taking time out of your day to read this. This post will touch upon two of today's most persistent turmoils that never seem to cease: bullying and homophobia. Note: if you are a homophobe and/or will not tolerate my point of view on this, I advise you to stop reading or at least read at your own discretion. Without further ado, here's today's topic.

Are any of you familiar with this face here?

This is the once-happy face of Ronin Shimizu, a 12 year old NoCal boy who was bullied to the point of suicide for being a cheerleader in his school on 3 December. His friends and family were, of course, deeply distraught and anguished at the news, and the school he attended is in somewhat of a crosshair, as it turns out Ronin had complained to the officials that he was being bullied, only to receive no significant aid other than "school protocol." 

First off, I will honestly say that, no matter how tragic this loss is, I still have a bone to pick with the fact that Ronin, like many other victims of bullying or any emotional distress, took the easy way out and chose the permanent solution to the temporary problem by taking his own life. Yes I know, bullying is very tough to cope with and one does not simply brush it off, especially at Ronin's young age. But I've seen people go through so much worse, yet they somehow manage to break through the walls and live their lives happily. But, Ronin made his choice, and so have many others who have chosen suicide as the solution. To each his/her own. Now, I'm not in any way defending the bullies. They are disgusting creatures that represent everything wrong in this world, and they should be ashamed of themselves and should be dealt with properly. How do you live with yourselves? How do you feel when you push a kid over the edge and find out that he took his own life because of your insecure, shameless actions? Does that not bother you at all? Round of applause to your parents, they must be really proud to have raised such a great contribution to society. I'm sure you must be proud of yourself.

Obviously, homosexuality is a very sensitive topic, so I will be careful with my words while still staying true to my opinion on all of this. We all know that gays are looked down upon by most today, and this causes some radical homophobes to express themselves through violence and petty bullying. But do you know why this will never end? Do you know why bullying and any other sort of discrimination such as racial profiling will continue in this never-ending wheel? It's because we label ourselves this way. We like to label everything, and our fervent cries to express who we are is what leads to the bullies, the racists, and the cowards to retaliate with violence. Now, just so there's no confusion, I'm not saying it's a bad thing to be gay, bi, or whatever you are. I believe in equality for all and I am perfectly fine with people doing what makes them happy. What I'm saying is, if you're gay, then just be gay. If you're lesbian, just be lesbian. If you're bi, then just be bi. Just be what you are, do what you do, but don't make such a big show out of it. Recently we've been seeing more and more famous faces come out and reveal to the world their sexual orientation, even in "manly" environments such as football and wrestling. We've also seen more public displays of their coming out, such as that wedding that occurred in the Rose Parade almost one year ago between two males. It was a good thing for the couple, and I'm happy that they got to rejoice in their bliss, but c'mon, was all of that really necessary? Why make such a big show and be so indiscreet? Same goes to us Latinos and blacks. We are so proud, perhaps a little too proud, that we like to basically tell the world, "Oh look at me I'm a Latino/Black/Asian and I'm proud, hurrah!" Yes, I am guilty of this myself. We like to label and call attention to ourselves, and this is what attracts the bullies. This is what causes youngsters like Ronin to be picked on to the point where they feel there's no way out. This is what causes the "protectors of society," the police, to pick on minorities and spark major public unrest like what we're seeing in Ferguson.

To put things into a much simpler perspective, take a look at this video.


Morgan Freeman, in all his awesomeness, flawlessly sums up everything I'm trying to say. Why make a big deal out of being a minority? Why celebrate this only once a year? We're all human, and we're all equal. You wanna be gay? Be gay, we're both human. You wanna be lesbian? Be lesbian, we're both human. Are you black? That's great, I'm brown, let's be human together. This trend of labeling and calling attention to ourselves is what spawns ridiculous reactions like bullying or a "Black History Month." I can't say this needs to stop, because I know for a fact people will keep this up. It's great that they want the world to know who they truly are, but it's also important to know why bullying will never cease because of that very same reason. Just be who you are, be true to yourself, but don't get the rest of the world involved.

So there's my mini-sermon, peeps. I don't like to get preachy, but events like these really send my mind flying into all sorts of crazy tangents that I just have to get it all out for my readers to see. Forgive me if any of my words offended any of you or if I came on too strong on such a sensitive topic. As I said before, I have nothing against the LGBT community--quite the contrary actually, as two of my best friends are Bi. Keep doing your thing and be happy, but just be discrete, is what I suggest. Of course I can't tell you all what to do, but I just wanna point out that indiscretion leads to bullying, and bullying (sometimes) leads to tragic occurrences like what happened to Ronin. As always, thanks for reading peeps. Share, stay up to date, stay safe, and have a good one. :)

I close this post with an okay music video to a pretty decent song by a decent band. Enjoy.


Sunday, December 7, 2014

Reaction: South Park's #REHASH

Hello again dear readers. Sorry this is a late post, got caught up in life, but here it finally is, my reaction to South Park's latest run, #REHASH. As you all may know, my first impressions to the news of PewDiePie appearing on the episode were...radical. Just check out my previous posts and you'll see what I mean. Now, my opinion of Pewds and his content remains the same, but the way I go about expressing it will of course change, as will my initial reactions to any other news. Anyway, the show, as always, displayed the social commentary it's famous for, and the satire in this particular episode couldn't be more accurate about our generation. But before I get into that, I'll start off with a recap. If you want to watch the episode for yourself, just click here to go to SP's website. I will of course exclude spoilers and only talk about the gist of it all. Without further ado, here's my take on #REHASH.

So the episode starts off with Kyle wanting to play the new Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare with his little bro, Ike, who prefers instead to watch commentary on the game by, you guessed it, PewDiePie. This upsets Kyle, who cannot help but watch his little brother and his friends miss out on the enjoyment of playing new video games because they spend their time watching other people commenting on them instead. This is Kyle's storyline throughout the episode. On Cartman's end, he decides to become like Pewds and start his own YouTube channel (Cartman Braaaa!), only instead of commenting on something, he comments on people commenting on people who comment (I'll give you a moment to make sense of that). Stan's end of the story focuses on his sister, Shelley, who wants to attend a concert put on by today's hottest stars, like Nicki Minaj, Iggy, and Lorde, who happens to be Randy, the Marsh siblings' father, in disguise. The conflict in this branch of the episode is that the music industry these days focuses solely on the sex appeal of the artists, and not the music they make. In addition, to make up for horrible artists, concerts take the easy way out and produce holograms (like the famous 2Pac hologram), playing old music to make up for lack of ingenuity--hence the episode's title, #REHASH. A brief appearance is made by talk show hostess Wendy Williams, who preaches about other people becoming quasi-leaders and having their followers blindly following and cheering them on--only to spark this such reaction in her own audience, proving her, of course, to be a hypocrite. Concurrently, all the separate storylines intertwine to convey the ultimate message that our generation of entertainment focuses solely on trashy artists, two-faced quasi-leaders, and nothing more than rehashing content, taking away from not only the originality that once dominated the entertainment industry, but also taking away the experience of actually enjoying it for ourselves.

Reaction Time
Let me start off by saying that yes, I judged too quickly. I thought this episode was going to be one of the worse headaches I've ever experienced. Thankfully, Pewds' sequences are kept to a minimal. In terms of hilarity and content, the episode was just as enjoyable as you would expect out of Trey and Matt. I appreciate that they kept the kids' angry rants (particularly Cartman's) to a minimum, so the humor actually focused on the content rather than the cheapness. True, a teeny bit more of the angry outbursts that made the first episodes funny would've been appreciated, but it's still good nonetheless.

Now, in terms of social commentary, I couldn't agree more. Everything satirized in this episode is hard to disagree with. The music industry nowadays is shall we call it...decayed, that as time progresses, artists rely more and more heavily on their sex appeal rather than making good music. Oh you didn't hit that chorus right? Better show some booty! Oh your song is such an abomination? Better make a skimpy music video with boobies! That's all millennials care about these days right? Gone are the days when musical artists--and any other entertainment companies--released content for the joy of delivering an enjoyable experience. Now, it's all about the sex and the money. Fortunately there are still good musical artists, good video game developers, good movie makers that still deliver great content amid tons of corporate tactics to make a fast buck. But the fact remains that so long as big-name artists continue putting on their skimpy shows, the musical corporations behind the scenes will be plotting to find some way to squirm themselves out of this rabbit hole. How? By bringing back holograms of great artists, or something of the like.

Now on the issue of kids spending their lives inside on their iPads, this is becoming more and more apparent and worse every year with the annual release of copy/paste Apple products. But the issue at hand is that instead of enjoying and playing new video games, kids, and pretty much everyone, prefer to watch other people enjoying the game for them! What's the point in that? Sure, I like to watch video game commentators myself, but I don't let that replace the first-hand pleasure of kicking back, relaxing, and playing the game myself--if I had that time, of course. And again, touching on the growing issue of corporate sales, video games these days just aren't innovative anymore, so I have to agree, to some extent, with those who prefer to watch commentators. I mean take a look at the PS4 and the X-Box One. Besides better graphics, what other innovation do we see in the new generation of video games that distinguishes it from previous generations? Once-great series like The Elder Scrolls, Call of Duty, Assassin's Creed, etc, they're all far cries of what they used to be (well, except maybe Elder Scrolls, but you get the point). Now it's all about releasing the game, no matter how buggy or glitchy it is, so long as the employees get their payout. I know there are people reading this and thinking Omg you nerd! Stop ranting about your stupid video games and get on with your post! Get a life! Get a job! Get a girlfriend! Get off the internet! What I'm trying to prove is that the entertainment industry is all about the money now. And you know what sucks the most? It's that this trend is gonna continue because the people allow it to. As long as they see big-ticket names on the boxes, those dollar bills are coming out, no matter what unstable condition the medium is in. 

Theres tons more to be said but I don't wanna take up too much of you guys' time so check out the episode for yourselves and hopefully you'll feel the same way I did. Sorry again for the lateness, hope you enjoyed reading this. As always share, stay up to date, and stay safe peeps, have a good one. :)

Thursday, December 4, 2014

How to Get Away With Murder - The Easy Way!

Hello all, thanks for taking time out of your day for reading this. Before I get into today's convo, let me start off by clarifying a few discrepancies within my latest posts--particularly the PewDiePie on South Park post.

So I've been garnering quite a bit of criticism for the way I reacted to the news, which I understand. I accept everything that has been said to me and will act upon the critique. Yes, my reaction to the news was a bit...over the top, you might say. Okay okay so I full on went crazy and sounded like those other internet loudmouths, which only makes it worse since these are the people I dislike the most. Yes I was heated that Pewds was gonna appear on one of my favorite shows, and one comment directed at me stated that the post "reaked of jealousy and misplaced teenage angst," which is perhaps the most credible critique I've received thus far. In my defense, these were my first impressions--my initial reaction--to the news. I usually try to keep things civil so as to not come off as a whiny little girl, but I had to get that out of my mind while it was still fresh. And I'll be honest, yes I am jealous of Pewds, I mean, who wouldn't be? The guy makes $4M a year just recording videos of himself wailing and playing video games. He puts hardworking people to shame by making more money in a year than any of us will make in a lifetime--and that's something to take your hat off to. He played his cards right, worked YouTube's system to his favor, and it payed off, so kudos to him. Yes, it should be quite known that I do not like him or his videos. He's not, as they say, my cup of tea. I've yet to watch the latest SP episode and put up my (tempered) reaction to it, so look forward to that. Without further ado, here's today's headliner

So, just another average day at work for the average cop. Clock in, mooch some donuts, pop a few skulls, pretend to feel bad, munch some more donuts, clock out, call it a day. I'm talking about the latest fiasco in our country's ever-perfect system. Eric Garner, the man who was helplessly choked to death lies under the ground while his murderer is off, you guessed it, scott-free. Now before you go off on me for slamming the country's sworn "protectors" once more, I will bat for both teams to keep things fair. Let's start with the copper's defense, shall we?

First of all, yes, Garner should not have been selling loosies in the first place. He knew he was playing with fire, so he brought his punishment upon himself. That right there pretty much set the whole foundation of the cop's defense. Second, yes Eric's...stature, let's call it, heavily contributed to his death (no pun intended). Being in the condition he was, he was bound to receive ten times the damage caused by Pantaleo, so let's not completely blame him for Eric's death.

But...first things first, the fundamental principle in all this is that Pantaleo practiced a form of apprehension that is specifically banned by the NYPD. If the rules say, "Do not chokehold a person," Newsflash, YOU DON'T CHOKEHOLD A PERSON. Oh wait, I forgot, these are cops we're talking about. They don't know, or for that matter care about the meaning of rules, right? As long as they "do their job," they shouldn't care, right? They're just here to serve and protect, rules don't matter, right? That's what the court is saying in not indicting this guy. By letting him free, the court is basically saying that the cop rules are just there for show, just to please the people. Anyway, furthermore, if the cops know that this guy has clear, obvious health issues, even if you know you can break the rules with no consequence, you still DO NOT CHOKEHOLD HIM. You know you could've found some other way to apprehend him. A quick shove against the wall would've sufficed, you know. Pushing him against the hood of your squad car wouldn't have been a bad idea, either. But hey, I'm not a cop. I'm no "hero." There's no way in hell a peasant like me would know better than an educated, professional murderer--erm, police officer. What do I know, right? Screw me, right? Anyway, getting off track again. Garner clearly gasped, not one, not two, not three, not five, but seven times that he could not breathe. Sure, if he wasn't able to breathe, he damn straight wouldn't have been able to talk, I'll give them that. But if he was saying that as a way to prevent from not being able to breathe, the cops had the moral obligation to at least loosen their clutches on him. But wait, I forgot. These guys do not know the definition of "moral." I'm so sorry for assuming. I should've known that they don't know--or care--about right or wrong. Just "serve and protect," right? Just being our "saviors," right?

I could go on and on about how easy it is for the popo to get away with murder and how flawed and ridiculously stupid (to say the least) our system is, but then I'd just be talking in circles. We all should know by now that there's no going back for these people. "Shoot first, ask questions later" is now the law of the land, and we all must obey, else we're next to get a bullet in our head or arms around our necks. So say hello to the "newly freshened up grand reopening overhaul" of our protectors. Make sure you say it right though. Repeat after me, everyone, "Hands up. Heads down. Cops are here to save our town."

End of rant. I tried my best to keep it civil this time. Tried. Well anyway, thanks for reading peeps, and I wish you all the best of luck out there. Just keep your hands up and your heads down, do as your told (or not) and you'll live to see another day. Yes, I will say that we should just stop breaking the law, too. The reason these people become worse and worse is because crime becomes worse and worse. If we all just behaved more, maybe we wouldn't have to deal with these kinds of consequences. But again, there's really no going back for the popo. Remember, "shoot first, ask questions later." As always, stay up to date, stay safe, share this story with your peeps, and have a good one everyone.

I close this post with the latest masterpiece by Three Days Grace, the only rock band I've listened to since day 1. Enjoy.

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

No Lettuce, Extra Mayo, and a Side of WTF??

Hello all, thanks for taking time out of your day to read this. What you are about to read is a true story. I did not make this up, I swear I couldn't even if I tried. I don't even know where to begin because of how ridiculously funny (in a way) this is. Let it be known that I do not condone domestic violence in any way, shape, or form, nor do I condone violence against women (or men for that matter), but this story is so bizarre, I just had to share it with you all. Without further ado, here's today's news.

So a man in Iowa assaulted his wife...with a McChicken sandwich. I'll let that statement sink in for a while.

Yes, I kid you not, some guy in the middle of nowhere assaulted his pregnant missus with a McDonald's sandwich (as if fast food doesn't cause enough damage already). I can' even...I can't even! This is too funny, too bizarre. Okay, let me step back and lay it all down before I lose myself in my reaction to this.

I'll skip the juicy details and let you guys check it out for yourself, but the skinny is as follows: the man, Marvin Hill, claimed his lady woke him up in the middle of the night with a McChicken in her hand. Instead of a "thank you" and eating that baby up (although that should've been his wife's job, given her "bumpy" situation), the guy flips out and flings the burger towards his soul mate. Not only that, but he also picks up a bun and throws that just to make sure she learns her lesson. The wife, naturally, proceeds to go clean herself up in the restroom, but Hill decided he wasn't done with her and records her with his cell phone, which prompts her to knock it out of his hands. Hill was, of course, charged with domestic violence and is behind bars at the moment.

Reaction time...

I don't even know where to begin. Like...okay, so this is #OnlyInIowa right? Because how does something like that get punished? Yeah sure, it was a jerk move to throw the sandwich his PREGNANT wife went through the trouble of buying for him (I guess he was ticked that she didn't make it for him?). But nobody was seriously hurt; I mean it's not like the missus had any bloody bruises or an injury to her baby bump. True, some form of action should be taken against Hill, and I think the short jail time he faces should be quite enough. Maybe he was trying to enjoy his beauty sleep? I know I would be ticked if I was woken up in the middle of the night just for a sandwich, but then again I wouldn't fling the thing at the person who gave me it, no matter how terrible it is. I really don't know, just because of how bizarre this is. You think you've seen it all until you read stories like this. What's next? An angry mom throws her whopper at her kid? I've had shit ten times more dangerous thrown at me all my life by my mother. and look at me! You don't see me emotionally scarred for life or under the care of CPS. You don't see my mother behind bars for "child abuse." Yes I know that's a completely different scenario than an angry hubby throwing something at his pregnant missus, but they're not that different if you think about it. Again, I'm not saying it was right of him to do what he did, I'm just saying I think this isolated case should just be left alone and left to the couple to deal with on their own.

But then again, things like this happen #OnlyInIowa.

Well there's my story for today peeps, thanks again for reading. As always stay up to date, share this story with your friends if you found it entertaining/mind-boggling, and stay safe! Bottom line kids, be careful when you eat fast food. It can cause some very bizarre effects in your body, and I'm not just talking about your stomach. Have a good one :)

I close this post with a favorite song of mine from a now-dead musical duo. Enjoy.

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

The Most Annoying Person on the Most Annoying Show

No fluffy title this time. Oh God I had to get this down as soon as I heard about it. Salutations to all of you reading this. Very quick intro, thanks for taking time out of your day to read this, I'll keep it short n' sweet, and hope you guys enjoy.

So I'm sure almost everyone knows or has heard of this dude right here, right?

Yes. I don't think I need to say who this screaming, annoying, obnoxious twat is. And for those who don't know, GOOD. You don't want to know. Keep your sanity (and your senses) while it's still intact. Anyway, I'm sure most of you know these more lovable faces, right?

What do you get when you combine these two? Who knows. I won't rush to conclusions, knowing how clever this show is in making fun of its victims. In case you haven't caught on, South Park plans to air an episode featuring none other than the screaming little girl above--famous richkid Youtuber PewDiePie. Dear Lord how I can just explode ranting on how annoying this episode is going to be. I mean both include enough screaming on their own--yet for some reason I find the obnoxious behavior in SP more bearable than whatever atrocity Pewds puts out. But again, I don't want to rush to conclusions until I actually watch the episode myself.

I LOVE one of these shows, and HATE the other. I don't think I need to tell you which one is which. Now I don't want to start slamming SP until I watch the episode, like I said, but I will say this: Trey and Matt are treading some very, VERY thin ice here. If they pull this off and play their cards right, their fans will receive one hell of a satisfying experience with this upcoming episode--and that means slamming PewDiePie and his obnoxious face, and killing off his character in the worst possible way (yes, worse than any of Kenny's previous deaths). 

But oh dear God, if they do nothing more than simply add to the already loud and annoying (but lovable) atmosphere of the show, I don't even want to begin to imagine the consequences. Not only will they risk losing a good portion of their loyal fanbase, but their email inboxes will be FLOODED with some of the most hateful comments ever to reach the eyes of Trey and Matt--and not just former fans, I'm talking about the loyal, brainwashed 12 year old girls who watch every single one of Pewds' crap-fest videos and treat him like their god. Parker and Stone, you guys better know what the hell you're doing and make it right. I'm not saying this episode is gonna be bad, I'm just saying this is a very risky move. If you pull it off and deliver, more power to you, long live South Park. But if you screw this thing up and only feed PewDiePie's already hyper-inflated ego, you better hire a plumber, because your masterpiece will go down the drain faster than Taylor Swift releases an album after a break-up. 

So there's my quick update peeps, thanks again for reading. As always, stay up to date, stay safe, and have a good rest of the week. :) 

I close this post with one of my favorite songs from a hella great band. Yes, this more bearable than Pewds and South Park, so do not be afraid, my child. 

Monday, December 1, 2014

Internet Storm over Stormtrooper (seriously?)

Hello readers, thanks for taking time out of your day to read this. Before we get into this, a quick update. So as you may have noticed, I haven't been as consistent with my posts as I had intended. This is partially my fault, partially not. As you know, I am a very busy guy with other priorities, but I still try to find time in my routine to sit back and write. Bottom line, I won't have any specific days when I will put up a new post, but all of my posts will be on par with current events, as they have been. So without further ado, let's do this.

Nobody likes an overly obsessed fanboy, I know I don't. There's a fine line between being an avid fan/lover of a series, and being just plain obsessed to the point where you lose yourself in all the wrong ways. Yes, it's nice to have attachments to our favorite shows, movies, games, etcetera, but we all have to have our limits and come back to reality at some point. Apparently, fanboys of Star Wars didn't get the memo and are losing their shit over something so trivial that it delves into the point of being quite pathetic. "Just shut up already, loser! Get to the point!" Okay okay, keep reading and you'll see what I'm talking about, geez! 

So it should be known by now that 22-year-old British actor John Boyega will be making an appearance in The Force Awakens--a name which I still can't process because of how tryhard it is. But anyway, I think that's pretty rad. He definitely needs this break that will surely send his humble career skyrocketing to Hollywood roles. Take a look-see:

See anything wrong with this picture? Yeah, neither do I. But apparently, butt-hurt, racist fanboys of the saga see everything wrong with a black man in a Trooper suit. Their excuse?  "It doesn't make sense." Yes, people are saying that the inclusion of a black man in an otherwise all-white role does not. Make. Sense.

First off, major props to Boyega for not having any of it. He, like most African Americans who are subject to racist comments and such, fought back. His response to the racist trolls of the interwebs was...wait for it...

"To whom it may concern...get used to it. :)"
Get used to it. I'll let that sink in for a bit. That was a bold move, considering how violent some fanboys can become just to "honor" their life purpose. Normally anybody would apologize and kiss ass in order to stay on good terms with others, but not Boyega. Yes, I know there are others who have done the same thing on other, more dangerous occasions, but considering the dangerous territory Boyega is treading (the internet and fanboys), this was still pretty bold, to be honest.

My response to those that take this and other forms of entertainment too seriously? Get over it and move on with your life, bro! So what if a black man portrays a Stormtrooper? A black man portrayed a Master Jedi--the great Sam Jackson as Mace Windu--and nobody gave it a second thought. What about Lando? Newsflash, he's black! What difference does it make if a white, black, purple, green, or whatever color being portrays a clone trooper? Hell, I don't even want to imagine the reaction if it were a Latino or an Asian under the suit. We all know this is not so much about the canon of the story as it is about the race card. Message to fanboys: just enjoy the damn movie and move on! Go back to your basement and rage to yourself, but keep the normal people out of it! Those who want to enjoy the movie without being reprimanded for such trivial matters! The only thing I would agree to rage about no matter what is JarJar, but that's universally known already. Message to John Boyega: you go and rock that suit! When you deliver an awesome performance, people will be changing their tune, mark my words.

So that's my quick update peeps. I tried to keep it short and sweet so as not to take up too much of your time, especially since I know for a fact that a lot of you reading this still have last-minute homework to finish! If you want to read more on this, check this short online post out As always, thanks for reading this, stay up to date, and enjoy the rest of Thanksgiving break. Have a good one peeps :)

I close this post with a gift for my fellow procrastinators. Need a better waste of time while that essay sits untouched? Here you go, enjoy ;)

Saturday, November 29, 2014

People who Wear Glasses Are Sexy. End of Story.

Let me start off with a sort of apology for being absent for, what, three days? I've been super busy these past days--mostly with work.

 Hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving and be sure to work all that turkey out! Hope you all had a (safe) Black Friday frenzy! Seriously though, how do people have the time to stand in line all night outside of a Best Buy? I barely have enough time to sit back and write, let alone camp out in a parking lot. Anyway, my Thanksgiving consisted of the slowest, dead-est, 6 hour shift at work, yet it was still a hell of a great night. Hanging out with a handful of fellow coworkers, having a good time, talking, especially since I spent most of my time with that one special friend I mentioned a while back that I should probably write more about in the future. Long story short, I may have missed out on a plump dinner with my family, but the night was still fun with my second family at work. Oh, and before I delve into the conversation, I recommend all of you reading this to start listening to the band Sick Puppies. If rock isn't your thing, just give this band a chance and I promise you won't be disappointed. Unfortunately the band has been going through some drama recently--apparently their lead singer, Shimon Moore (yes, that's his real name), has left and has resorted to antagonizing his other two ex-fellow band members, Emma and Mark (yay!), sparking some instability between the trio. But all that aside, ya'll should give this band a check-out. And if you don't like them, sue me. Now, let's get this thing started. Oh and just a heads up, for the first half of the post I will embrace my nerdy side, so if you're allergic to us, you can just skip to the third section.

John Boyega in a Trooper Outfit? Hells Yes!
First of all...OMG the trailer for the new Star Wars film has got me even more pumped up and excited for 2015! First Jurassic World now SW? Oh hell to the yes. Mark my words, Universal and LucasArts are working together...they are working behind the scenes to deliver the most amazing movie experience ever for 2015 that will put all other upcoming films to shame!

Now, I'm not gonna jump on the bandwagon and act like I've been a HUGE fan of the saga from Day 1. Indeed, I've only gotten into it towards the end of last year. But I'd be lying if I said I didn't enjoy the movies the first time I watched them, 'cause I enjoyed the hell out of them. Yes, even the prequels. To Hell with those who complain that they "suck." I see where your arguments come from, and I acknowledge them, but still the prequels were good. End of story. Anyway, I'm sure we're all glad to see the return of practical effects instead of the CG overload that the prequels admittedly abused of. A combination of both CG and practical effects never did the originals any harm, so the upcoming sequels better rock that. And dear God, if Disney makes the characters sing and dance, I have no faith left in humanity, period. And HO-LY CRAP I am desperate to find out more about this guy here:

A lightsaber with a laser hilt? Oh heeelllllsss to the YES! This definitely shows promise. But perhaps the best move LucasArts will make is getting rid of Jar-Jar Binks. Like forever. As a show of affection to their long-time loyal fans, I say they should kill him off in the sequels. Like have the mystery dark sider here murderlize him and his annoying race. Erase them off the face of the far far away galaxy. 

Gods be Praised this Black Friday!
So as very few people know, I am a HUGE fan of TES V: Skyrim. I wasn't always a fan of The Elder Scrolls myself, but the 2011 Bethesda masterpiece reeled me in like Kate Upton reels in a horny twelve year old kid. Anyway, I probably should've waited till Cyber Monday, but I couldn't. I did all my Black Friday shopping online, and I gotta say I was not disappointed in what I bagged up for myself. I ordered myself a really sexy Skyrim-themed wallet with a chain, and a Daedric Sword letter opener to make opening my checks a lot more EPIC and fun. Take a look-see, fellow nerdists, and revel in the glorious sexiness the Divines have blessed me with.

I can't decide which one I'm more stoked for! The wallet is damn sexy and awesome, and the collectible will make me look more forward to getting my checks, as opening them will be a lot funner now. This is actually the first time I order any sort of gamer merch online, as I never had the cash to do so in the past. But boy am I enjoying it. So there you have it, my first ever Skyrim merch that I want to share with you all.

The Birth of An Anarchy??
So if you decided to skip my geeky display, you will find safe haven from here on out for this post. So I'm sure you're all very well aware of the controversy surrounding the court's decision in the Ferguson case that sparked violent outrage in the area. Yes, it should be quite obvious that black lives do not matter in this country. First Treyvon, now Michael. Both cases ended in the same way: the murderer gets off scott-free, leaving the suffering families in unspeakable anguish. Yes, it should be quite obvious that the pigs we call our "protectors" can get away with murder. I don't want to sound like all those close-minded, self-appointed, supposed "anarchists" that think they'll change the country just by complaining, but this country really does need a revolution. We need a major change in this corrupt government. The citizens of Ferguson have already risen up in arms and fighting for their rights, and it won't be long before this spreads to other disenfranchised areas. But then again, this is where I also have to draw the line. I get that the people are angry and want to express their disappointment with their government, but the way the Ferguson-ers have gone about doing so is not the way to do it. Is this what MLK Jr's dream has become? Is this the vision he protested and died for? No, it's not. These people want to "honor" Michael Brown's memory and civil rights by lighting shit on fire and breaking windows. I would be completely on board with this if they were merely fighting back at the government, but this is their way of honoring their rights and their fallen brother? This is a big slap and an even bigger "fuck you" to MLK. These people are rendering his death vain and pointless. Think about it, he brought major change in civil rights without lifting a finger, yet he was murdered in cold blood, and by reaping chaos in their home, the people of Ferguson night as well have been the murderers. If ya'll wanna fight the government, have at it I'm all for it, but if you want to honor a slain teen and fight for your rights, put down your Molotov cocktails and turn to Jesus! Just kidding (not a bad idea though), put down your bats and crowbars and raise your voices instead. It worked before, it might work again. Might. As Russell Brand, one of my idols, once flawlessly stated, "The people who say the system works, work for the system."

Closing Tiiiime...
I apologize again for posting this late. You know how it is. Work work work. School school school. Friends and family. I'm lucky I had the day off today to put this thing up. Shout out to my fellow gamers reading this and anyone else who is disappointed with how things work in this broken system. As always thanks to those who took time out of their day to read this, share, comment, etc. Stay safe this holiday, stay up to date, and have a good one everyone. I leave you all with this song, another one of my favorites from Sick Puppies.